

HUMPBACK WHALE RESEARCH INTERNSHIPS IN MACHALILLA NATIONAL PARK – ECUADOR The project Ballenas Jorobadas – Ecuador (Humpback Whales - Ecuador) is conducting a study on the demography of humpback whales and other cetaceans in the Machalilla National Park since 1997. Between June and October, the marine area of the Machalilla National Park forms a breeding area for humpback whales that migrate from the Antarctic to Ecuador. These whales are part of the humpback whale population of the Pacific southeast that feeds in the Antarctic and migrates around 7.000 km for mating and gives birth to their calf in Ecuador. The humpback whale population of the Southern Hemisphere that reproduces in Ecuadorian waters is estimated between 6.000 whales. Also, in this area, 15 cetacean species were identified during the last years, representing one of the highest known species diversities in South America.   The research has been carried out in whale watching boats used as a research platform. The Pacific Whale Foundation has a catalog of more than 2,000 whales identified through marks or pigmentation of their tail, which are similar to a human fingerprint. Interns will actively contribute to this research effort, and will also collect data.   These internships are available for durations ranging from 1 to 4 weeks, from June to October.  Volunteers will be introduced to and participate in the research techniques involving boat-based photo identification, behavioral studies, and acoustics. No previous experience is required. There are approximately four whale-watching boats that will be used by the volunteers to go out at sea and study the whales every day.  VOLUNTEER PROGRAM IN ECUADOR Learn About Us Learn About Puerto Lopez Researcher for One Day (Tour for Biologists, Photographers, Naturalists, and Families. Full-Day with whales) Volunteer with whales (7 Days or More)


ENJOY THE BEST LIVE ADVENTURE IN ISLA DE LA PLATA FROM GUAYAQUIL TRANSFER FROM GUAYAQUIL TO PUERTO LOPEZ + TOUR ISLA DE LA PLATA AND SNORKEL, FULL DAY DAILY TOUR  Our goal is to give you an exciting adventure you will never forget.  You can enjoy the amazing marine life sightings off the coast of Puerto Lopez and Machalilla National Park. This tour included sighting marine turtles, walking in Isla de la Plata for two hours (small Galapagos), snorkeling, and swimming surrounded by tropical colorful fish and abundant marine life. Feel nature very close to you.   FROM OCTOBER TO MAY:  This tour included: Transfer GUAYAQUIL - Puerto Lopez - GUAYAQUIL, Tour Isla de la Plata: trekking in Isla de la Plata, an encounter with marine turtles, snorkel time with tropical fishes. FROM JUNE TO OCTOBER: This tour included: Transfer GUAYAQUIL - Puerto Lopez - GUAYAQUIL, Tour Isla de la Plata: trekking in Isla de la Plata, encounters with marine turtles, snorkel time with tropical fishes, + whale watching. The tour begins from your hotel or airport in Guayaquil; for three and half hours, you enjoy the Guayas and Manabi province landscapes; then we will arrive at Puerto Lopez, part of Machalilla National Park is the best breeding area with different species of marine birds, whales, turtles in Latinoamerica.    "La Isla de La Plata is also known as small Galápagos because it has the same ecosystem and animals living on the Island. In pre-Columbian times the sun and the sea were a ceremonial center of worship for the Incas. Later, Silver Island was visited by buccaneers and pirates. Finally, it belonged to one of the most famous families tours in Ecuador to be part of the Machalilla National Park, Isla la Plata is the second important protected area in Ecuador."      


ENJOY THE BEST LIVE ADVENTURE WITH WHALES IN ISLA DE LA PLATA FROM MANTA 100% guaranteed whale watching. If you do not see them, we will refund your money. FROM MANTA, TOUR ISLA DE LA PLATA, WHALE WATCHING AND SNORKEL FULL DAY Our goal is to give you an exciting adventure you will never forget. We want to make sure you really enjoy the incredible humpback whale watching and amazing marine life sightings off the coast of Puerto Lopez and Machalilla National Park. This tour included trasfer Manta - Puerto Lopez - Manta, from your hotel, is your opportunity to find whales, sure and safety. Machalilla National Park is the best breeding area for humpback whales in Latinoamerica.  La Isla de La Plata is also known as small Galápagos because it has the same ecosystem and animals living on the Island. In pre-Columbian times the sun and the sea was a ceremonial center of worship for the Incas. Later, the Plata Island was visited by buccaneers and pirates. Finally it belonged to one of the most famous families in Ecuador to be part of the Machalilla National Park, Isla la Plata is the second protected area of Ecuador. From June until October humpback whales travel more than 7,000 km from Antarctica to the shores of Machalilla National Park in Ecuador. La Isla de La Plata is considered a breeding area for different species of whales and dolphins. It is also a place where they unite together. Only in these few month you can enjoy acrobatic shows from these wonderful animals.  

Walbeobachtungstour in Puerto Lopez - Ecuador

ENJOY THE BEST LIVE ADVENTURE WITH WHALES IN ISLA DE LA PLATA FROM PUERTO LOPEZ 100% guaranteed whale watching (June to October). If you do not see them, we will refund your money. Our goal is to give you an exciting adventure in Ecuador you will never forget. We want to make sure you really enjoy the incredible humpback whale watching and amazing marine life sightings off the coast of Puerto Lopez. La Isla de La Plata is also known as the small Galapagos because it has the same ecosystem and animals living on the Island. In pre-Columbian times the sun and the sea were ceremonial centers of worship for the Incas. Later, Plata Island was visited by buccaneers and pirates. Finally, it belonged to one of the most famous families in Ecuador to be part of the Machalilla National Park, Isla la Plata is the second protected area of Ecuador.   From June until the first days of October, humpback whales travel more than 7,000 km from Antarctica to the shores of Machalilla National Park in Ecuador. La Isla de La Plata is considered a breeding area for different species of whales and dolphins. It is also a place where they unite together. Only in these few months, you can enjoy acrobatic shows from these wonderful animals.   Tours In Puerto Lopez | Salango | Machalilla National Park     Beach Front Hotel in Puerto Lopez + Tour Isla de la Plata Tour Isla de la Plata from November to May  Whale Watching With Researcher in Isla de la Plata More Info About The Other Galapagos | Isla de la Plata     


100% guaranteed whale watching. If you do not see any whales, we will refund your money. Our goal is to provide you with an exciting adventure that you will never forget. We want to ensure that you truly enjoy the incredible humpback whale watching and amazing marine life sightings off the coast of Puerto Lopez. Join us for an unforgettable whale watching tour in Puerto Lopez, Ecuador! "Ecuador is one of the most amazing and impressive for whale watching destinations in the world" Gregory Kaufman, - President and Founder of Pacific Whale Foundation. Experience the breathtaking migration of humpback whales from Antarctica to the shores of Machalilla National Park in Ecuador from June to October. These magnificent creatures, reaching lengths of up to 15 meters and weighing up to 30 tons, offer a captivating sight and are among the world's largest animals.   During our tour, you'll witness the fascinating social dynamics of humpback whales, including males vying for female attention and the nurturing bond between mother and calf, with calves reaching up to 4 meters in length. As we navigate these waters, we often encounter numerous whales traveling in close proximity.   Located in a nursery and mating area for humpback whales, this tour offers a unique opportunity for direct contact with nature and a chance to witness these incredible creatures in their natural habitat. After the whale watching excursion, we'll visit Salango Island or other nearby islands, where you can swim or snorkel to explore the vibrant reef corals and diverse marine life, including the chance to see sea lions and marine turtles.   Don't miss this adventure of a lifetime!